Kanban Board for Dynamics 365 – Complete Configuration

Kanban board plays a vital role in visualizing and managing the work in the best manner. It helps you to Focus on your business flow, allow your teams to communicate and collaborate with each other more easily.  If you are having your own Dynamics CRM then it provides you with the various amazing feature that helps you with your business processes. Soluzione Inc Interactive Kanban Board for Dynamics CRM has amazing feature that acts as an indicator throughout the application and helps you to know the exact status of your work. The status of the record is usually available at the bottom left of your screen. But it is quite a painful task if you have to view the status of the ample amount of records, although you may sort the record by creating an individual view of it. Then again if you have to change the status of multiple records it is much more painful and there is no short-cut for it. SolzSwimlane tries to find out the simple yet interactive solution for it.

SolzSwimlane – A type of Kanban Board for Dynamics 365

It is a fun way to work with your CRM. With this addon, we tried to replace the long procedures with the simple fun solution.
Solzswimlane Kanban Board
Above is the screenshot of the SolzSwimlane which gives you a complete information about the record with various colours that signifies different status of the records in the Opportunity Entity. You might be wondering that configuring a Kanban board in your system can be a difficult task. But it’s not true, it just takes few steps to configure it in your CRM.

How to configure Swimlane?

The navigation steps to see Swimlane option would be: Navigation Bar:  Settings Area >>> Swimlane Tab Please refer below screenshot for reference:
How To Configure Kanban Board Dynamics 365
The below screen will appear on selection of swimlane tab. User will click on the +New button to configure swimlane for the particular entity. Please see below screenshot for reference:
Swimlane Entity View
Select Entity name, for the sake of example, lets select Opportunity. All fields available in the selected entity will appear in Item Name 1 and Item Name 2 which will be displaying on Swimlane board’s card. Please see below screenshot for reference:
Swimlane Entity Form
In below screenshot, I have selected Account field (it will display name of Account) for Item Name 1 and Contact field (it will display Primary Contact name of that Account) for Item Name 2. The default status of Swimlane would be “Enabled”. Click “Save” button shown in below screenshot instead of CRM’s “SAVE “and “SAVE & CLOSE” button.
Swimlane Kanban Entity Form On Opportunity view You will find new button named as Swimlane at the top left of ribbon button section. Click on it to open Swimlane for current entity.
Kanban Opportunity Entity View
As you will click the button you will be able to view the Swimlane, now you are all set to take the advantage of SolzSwimlane.
Kanban Board Dynamics 365
Using a Kanban board is as easy as writing a sticky note and pasting it to a whiteboard, so anyone can use them for just about any purpose. Most importantly it does not impose its own rules and work completely as per your business rules for Status Reason. We helped Soluzione Client Priority funding with their custom Dynamics CRM Development needs. In case of any query, you can contact us at [email protected] Hope to keep adding value, it then Happy CRMing…
    Sonika Vishwakarma

    Sonika Vishwakarma, Soluzione's CEO, boasts 18+ years in IT, from hands-on development to leading top-tier organizations. She is a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist and an expert project manager, with a proven track record of delivering end-to-end software solutions across diverse domains. As a results-oriented leader, Sonika has set up offshore development centers, demonstrating exceptional organizational and communication skills, with a focus on building robust client relations.

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